Friday, February 23, 2007

Kythe- Helping children to recover from illnesses


I had been to Davao Medical Center, this hospital is situated in Bajada Davao city. Along with other institutions this playroom space is initiated to help children speed up their recovery. Basically the aim of the organization is just to entertain the children as they stay in the hospital. We verily know that some children who has serious illnesses has to stay in the hospital for days, months and even a year. In this situation they are deprived from attending school, learning to read or even enjoy playing with their group of friends. Kythe provide them the venue to have their own recreation right in the hospital.

I had only visited Kythe playroom for quite sometimes when a masscom student asked us about volunteering in the hospital. I readily agreed to sign up to do volunteer work and invited a friend to join too. She (Cher Docdocil) was never too busy to give her time too.

When we got to the area, the space is small enough to cater to a lot of children who wants to play in the playroom. I believe the space is not sufficient enough to cater to them when in fact there are three wards for children in the section. I got sad to believe that not all of them will have the chance to play.

There are two attending volunteers for the Kythe in the playroom. The playroom has also schedules of when they will open which is also sad since some kids want to play before 3pm. But that is how the playroom works. They said that the playroom was initiated by a parent who lost her daughter in the fight for cancer.

This is what I had witnessed in the playroom. There are children who are experiencing cancer and other fatal illnesses. It is heartbreaking. For this I had hoped that through Kythe it will light their faces with happiness as they would enjoy playing that hopefully will speed their recovery. If not make them happy, the least that we can do.

I was also proud for my friend Cher Docdocil who had genuinely gave her service to them. I believe she has been generous for time and effort to this children. And although I seldom go to the playroom I still remember the happy faces of these children even though they are experiencing these illnesses.

As a blogger, I again appeal to every hospital institutions or any care giving institutions to make a space such as a playroom as this will light the faces of these children. I am also hoping that all hospital will have their own Kythe playroom in their hospital. Lastly, for non-government and doctors will have free expense paid surgery and medical check-ups for this special children in the ward.

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